Making Room by Gather

Date With Kayt: What Loneliness in Adulthood Taught Me About Community & Hospitality

Kayty Helgerson Episode 123

I always felt messy talking about loneliness in adulthood.

This past week I was just curious (even though I knew the answer) how many adults would say they feel lonely and long for friendship. 85% of people polled, hundreds and hundreds of people said YEP, ME! I  was not surprised...but surprised. It was hard to see those numbers, yet I was thankful for the honesty. It made me realize, it's time that we talk more about this.

Through this conversation we will be chatting through a conversation we've been having on our Instagram @gatherintentionalliving. What my loneliness in adulthood taught me about community and hospitality.

1: If you're lonely your not alone
2: We're all waiting for an invitation
3: People can be lonely in a crowd
4: It's possible you're not a great friend
5: Hospitality is a big part of the answer

If this conversation resonates with you we would love if you headed over to our page and left a comment to continue the conversation!

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