Making Room by Gather
Hospitality. What do you think of when you hear that word?
For some it's old school 'stuffy' entertaining for others it's something to do with the hotel industry. One thing is for sure, as a culture we're not talking about it much.
Food * Design * Relationships have seemed to have taken a back seat to what our culture focuses on and values yet...we find ourselves in the midst of a loneliness epidemic. Something has to change, it's time to get back to our tables, and we're making room for it!
Making Room by Gather invites you into a new conversation on everyday hospitality. One that rewrites the way we approach opening your doors and filling your tables. Shifting the narrative from 'how does this make me look' to 'how does this make you feel' these buildable conversations aspire to inspire connection through everyday gathering.
Kayty's chic and a little quirky interview style will make you feel like you're sitting with a friend talking about how to grow in confidence as an everyday host. You can expect conversations from navigating challenging relationship dynamics to foundational cooking techniques and everything in between.
Whether you are a seasoned host or looking to develop new friendships and grow in your skills for the first time, there is a seat at the table. Join us weekly for new conversations with expert guests and with Kayty in her beloved Date with Kayt episodes. Continue the conversation @gatheritentionalliving
Fancy Can be Fun, Simple Can Always Be Special w/ NYC Event Curator Mary Giuliani

Simplifying Wellness, Surviving Morning Sickness & Customer Obsession w/ Amy Suzanne from Pinkstork

Coney Island, Family Recipes & The History of Gargiulo's Restaurant w/ Chef Matthew Cutolo

Embracing Cultural Curiosity: Raising Intentional Kids & Celebrating Black History Month w/ Trillia Newbell

How To Walk Into A Room: The Art of Knowing When to Stay and How to Walk Away w/ Emily P Freeman

Modern Whiskey and Family Tradition: The Frey Ranch Distillery Story w/ Ashley Frey

Breaking the Patterns that Break You w/ Tori Hope Peterson

Date With Kayt: I Know You Want to Cancel, but Please Go!

From Grandma's Kitchen to the Nation: Dan Mancini's Journey with Mama Mancini's

Embracing Sobriety and Navigating Perfectionism w/ Chris Janssen

Let There Be Havens: An Invitation to Gentle Hospitality with Liz Bell Young

Celebrating Christmas Intentionally as a Family w/ Jessica Wolstenholm from Minno

Cocktails Refashioned & How-to Guide for Cocktail Newbies w/Alba Huerta

Well Lived: Write a Beautiful Story with Your Life w/ Sally Clarkson

Transforming Meal Delivery into a Culinary Experience with Maggie from Feast and Fettle

The Courage to Dream: Paige Murray's Journey from Childhood Ambitions to the Cowboy Capital

When Doing it All is Undoing You w/ Alyssa Joy Bethke

Simple Activities Creating Lasting Memories w/ Creative Crayons Workshop

Dancing from Ballet to Books: Melanie Hamrick’s Story

Rediscovering Human Connection: Carlos Whittaker on Screen Addiction and the Joy of Slowing Down

Date With Kayt: Unlocking Costco and Trader Joe's Secrets

Start Here: The Cookbook That Will Shift How This Generation Cooks w/ Sohla El-Waylly

Handcrafted Pasta: Tips, Techniques, and Heartfelt Connections with Danny Loves Pasta

Date With Kayt: What Loneliness in Adulthood Taught Me About Community & Hospitality