Making Room by Gather
Hospitality. What do you think of when you hear that word?
For some it's old school 'stuffy' entertaining for others it's something to do with the hotel industry. One thing is for sure, as a culture we're not talking about it much.
Food * Design * Relationships have seemed to have taken a back seat to what our culture focuses on and values yet...we find ourselves in the midst of a loneliness epidemic. Something has to change, it's time to get back to our tables, and we're making room for it!
Making Room by Gather invites you into a new conversation on everyday hospitality. One that rewrites the way we approach opening your doors and filling your tables. Shifting the narrative from 'how does this make me look' to 'how does this make you feel' these buildable conversations aspire to inspire connection through everyday gathering.
Kayty's chic and a little quirky interview style will make you feel like you're sitting with a friend talking about how to grow in confidence as an everyday host. You can expect conversations from navigating challenging relationship dynamics to foundational cooking techniques and everything in between.
Whether you are a seasoned host or looking to develop new friendships and grow in your skills for the first time, there is a seat at the table. Join us weekly for new conversations with expert guests and with Kayty in her beloved Date with Kayt episodes. Continue the conversation @gatheritentionalliving
Making Room by Gather
Simplifying Wellness, Surviving Morning Sickness & Customer Obsession w/ Amy Suzanne from Pinkstork
Transforming health into an approachable journey is more crucial than ever. Amy Upchurch of Pink Stork shares insights on simplifying wellness for women at all life stages, along with her personal story of overcoming health challenges.
• Amy's struggles with severe morning sickness during pregnancy
• The founding story of Pink Stork and its focus on women’s health
• Simplifying purchasing supplements
• Building community support for women through their customer support division
• Navigating the balance between business and motherhood
• Encouragement for mom's of children with special needs
Head on over to Pinkstork today and get 20% off your first purchase
This Episode was sponsored by:
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There is something about health that seems so complicated. I mean it makes sense. We scroll social media for all of two and a half minutes and we see so many different techniques and approaches and conversations and opinions and, goodness, it is so difficult to know who to follow, where to start or what works. All of us are on different stage when it comes to our health. There are some of us maybe in postpartum, some of us maybe in menopause, others goodness, there's a whole range in between. But one thing I know for sure we are all looking for someone to just simplify the knowledge and the approach for us. That's where I was so drawn to our new friends at Pink Store. Let me give you a little bit of a backstory. So when I was first pregnant with Wesley, the first 19 weeks actually 19 long weeks I was incredibly sick. It was totally debilitating. I had to cancel all of my plans and I was looking for a company. I guess I didn't really know these terms at that point, but what I was looking back, what I was doing was looking for a company that got it a product that really provided relief, that knew what I was going through, not just the kind of general advice that the doctors always give because they weren't working. I first learned about Pink Stork and Amy our guest today's story and I thought, oh my goodness, this is that company. I wish that they were there during that season for me. The more I learned about them, the more I fell in love with them and I knew I had to have Amy on the show because I know that you guys, no matter where you're at in your health journey, are going to love them too. Well, I don't want to give too much of today's episode away, but to start, here is a little bit about Amy.
Speaker 1:Amy Suzanne Upchurch is the founder and CEO of Pink Stork, a wellness brand dedicated to empowering women through science-backed products and a supportive community. Her journey into entrepreneurship was profoundly influenced by her personal health challenges during pregnancy, diagnosed with I always butcher this hypermesis, the thing that Kate Middleton had, that makes women really, really sick when they're pregnant, that thing. That's what she suffered, with a severe form of nausea and vomiting. During her first three pregnancies, amy faced significant physical and emotional hardships. At one point, she was given just 24 hours to live due to a life-threatening blood infection contracted during her first pregnancy. Determined to find a holistic approach to her health. Amy collaborated with healthcare professionals, including her mother, a registered nurse, to develop a regimen of natural products. This proactive approach led to a healthy and enjoyable fourth pregnancy, a stark contrast to her earlier experiences. Inspired by this transformation, amy founded Pink Stork in 2015 with the mission to provide women with a natural and effective wellness solution. Under her leadership, pink Stork has expanded its product to include vitamins, supplements, gummies and teas that support women through various life stages, including PMS that support women through various life stages, including PMS fertility, pregnancy, menopause and just overall well-being. The company is proudly women-owned and operated, with more than 80% of employees are female. Amy's commitment to community is evident in initiatives like Customer Obsession Division, which we will talk about and highlight today, which focuses on creating a sense of belonging and support for women their female customers facing similar health challenges. Amy's story is a testament to resilience, faith and the transformative power of natural wellness solutions. She continues to inspire and support women worldwide through her leadership at Pink Stork.
Speaker 1:Well, guys, I have been taking Pink Stork's supplements for a few weeks now. I am obsessed with them. So many different parts of the brand. You could find my favorites in the link in the show notes, but I want to talk to you about another way that I'm taking a hold of my health. I am still on my breastfeeding journey, with Wesley kind of coming to a close. We are getting ready for a lot of air travel this coming spring flights and things like that Actually just flights, no other form of air travel. So, with all things considered, I am trying to get a hold of my hydration. It has been really challenging to me, actually postpartum. That's something that people don't really talk about and it's something that I know I need to get more intentional about. That is where I've turned to the help of electrolytes. I feel like that kind of that knowledge, this new knowledge of real hydration, is finally coming to the forefront, and I'm so thankful because a lot of times plain water is not enough.
Speaker 1:Now we've tried a few different brands or some that we like more than others, and then we were sent these new packets, a new company that we are absolutely crazy about, called N2 Water. Their packets use five simple ingredients nothing nasty, not tons of sugars and dyes, which I know so many people are aware of these days, just five simple ingredients. Ocean sourced minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium, all natural, incredible flavors, the perfect amount of saltiness. That is refreshing and, you could feel, is just bringing your body back to life. Something that we love about them, too, is colby always says that the packets that we buy are always clumped together. They're always a pain in the neck to pour. These pour so seamlessly and they are so convenient. I have been having quite a few a day as I'm working out and trying to replenish my body. N2 is very passionate about empowering you with the tools that you need to enhance your well-being, whether you are working out or in a breastfeeding season, like me. These are for you. They are scientifically formulated, great tasting on-the-go hydration sticks, and they want to get their product in your hands to ensure that you receive the vital nutrients lost in today's processed world code. Earlysips one word E-A-R-L-Y-S-I-P-S for 20% off your first purchase, or click the link in the show notes today.
Speaker 1:Hi, I'm Katie, a hospitality educator and the host of Making Room by Gather podcast. I am set to see our communities get back to the table through hospitality, but it wasn't always this way. My husband and I moved to Thailand, and through it I experienced some loneliness, and with it I was given a choice to sit back and accept it, or to do something about it. And for me, that meant two things that I needed the healing to learn how to accept an invitation and the confidence to know how to extend one. Through this process, I developed some of the richest and deepest relationships to extend one. Through this process, I developed some of the richest and deepest relationships of my life.
Speaker 1:Through Making Room by Gather, you will hear conversations from myself and experts in the areas of food, design and relationships. You see there are countless things trying to keep us from the table. But can I tell you something? Take a seat because you are ready, you are capable, you are a good host, so excited to have you here. I started my morning with Pink Stork and was so excited about it. I feel like every time I have one of the bottles in my hand, I notice a new detail of intentionality that I am just so excited about and so thrilled to be sharing you with our audience.
Speaker 1:If people are listening and maybe scrolling through the show notes before and they're like huh, this conversation is different. It definitely is for us. I want to start sharing more conversations like this, just because intentionality with health is so important to me and I know it's important to a lot of other people too. They just don't know where to start, and this is a great starting place. So let's back up. Let's start with your story. What do you want people to know about? Why you started this brand or your road to this brand?
Speaker 2:Well, I guess I never thought of business. I never thought of starting a business. I really feel like it was something that God called me to do after I went through my own personal challenges and you know, I think that for me I'm very fortunate. As to, one of the questions I always asked was like why me, why me, why is this happening to me? And I know out there everyone's going through something, and so it's really easy to say like why me, why am I going through this? And I feel very blessed to be able to have gotten that answer.
Speaker 2:And it wasn't about me at all. It was about helping everyone else around me, and that's what Pink Stork does. It's not about the products, it's not about anything that we sell or the money. It's about helping women that are looking for answers and going through something and maybe asking them that question why me? We all have something to give to this world and sometimes when you're going through those challenges, it can be really hard to figure out why, and so hopefully we you know at Pink Store it can just be a part of the journey to helping them understand, maybe, their why.
Speaker 1:Wow, wow. Well, there's a lot of different parts of the brand, different products, that I want to talk about, but I think I want to start off by making sure my listeners know I am not capital N-O-T pregnant right now. I need Colby and I have been talking about this. I need a solid girl's trip with a few good nights of sleep before I consider it. But during my pregnancy with Wesley some of my followers might remember this I was so sick, not functional, desperate for answers. I remember week 19,. It took until things shifted for me and I felt more myself. The rest of the pregnancy was great. I actually had a great third trimester, but I had a really difficult time finding options for relief.
Speaker 1:And one of the lines that I love, one of the product lines that you guys carry or offer, is the morning sickness line, and there's so many I don't know you could talk more to this but so many different forms that it comes into, which just shows that you know your audience, because sometimes I wanted something gummy, sometimes I couldn't stomach it, things like that. But I think people who have never faced it don't know how debilitating it is. But I would love to hear from you like why was this line especially so important and I want to share this because we have a community of 80% women, and so the chances of someone needing this is likely. So talk to us about the morning sickness line, the research behind it, and why you were passionate about creating it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so at Pinkstork, I mean, we started off, our niche was morning sickness, and that's actually really kind of special to my heart because that was what I really suffered with, something called hyperemesis gravidarum, which I just explained to people is morning sickness on steroids. So I understand what you're saying going through week 19,. You know just being really, really hard and hopefully turning the corner for you. But you know we do everything from PMS all the way up and through menopause. So as women, our bodies experience a lot of change and a lot of hormonal changes, and so we aren't looking to just put a bandaid on the problem, which is what kind of was happening to me with my first pregnancies.
Speaker 2:I was just getting bandaid answers and I really wanted to address the root issue of my issues, of my complications and what I was facing, and so that's really what we did. We started off really looking for answers after I had been so desperate. I tried everything. At one point I was given 24 hours to live, I had contracted blood infections. I mean I was just really a hot mess when it came to being pregnant and I know women go through all sorts of issues with their bodies and different complications, but morning sickness is definitely the one that I really struggled in and what you know. I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:You're fine.
Speaker 2:Is it ringing on your end?
Speaker 1:No no.
Speaker 2:Okay, sorry.
Speaker 1:No, you're good. No, I get it, I appreciate it. No, okay, sorry I was. No, you're good. No, I get.
Speaker 2:I appreciate it, Um, and so I guess let me turn that off.
Speaker 2:Sorry, I want to make sure they're fine, okay, so so for me, you know, morning sickness was really my struggle and my issues. And, um, when I had kind of that 180 experience with my fourth pregnancy, where I didn't have to go to hospitals, I wasn't on PICC lines and IVs and feeding tubes, I was like I really want to help other women that are struggling with their bodies. I know it just couldn't be just me that was facing this and I didn't understand. I was like why don't people talk about this more? Why isn't there a brand out there that people can trust that will help them? And so that's what I started. That's when I knew God was like Amy, this is about you helping so many other women, and Pinkstork is just the vehicle in which we can do that with.
Speaker 2:So, to answer your question, yes, we do offer a lot of delivery forms. I think we're always thinking about our customer and putting her first. She's the reason why we exist. And so, you know, sometimes with morning sickness you can't handle a certain smell and then the next day it's fine. Or you can't swallow a pill, but then the next day it's fine. So having options for women, I think, is really important. That way they can figure out what works best for them, and what worked best yesterday might not be the answer for tomorrow, and we get that and we understand that. So there's lots of options.
Speaker 1:Can you talk about, like, how the line actually works, like the supplements work, so what is it helping to alleviate for a woman experiencing morning sickness?
Speaker 2:Just morning, sickness or other issues.
Speaker 1:Ah, take it whatever direction you want, actually.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay. So so for us, I think we take a really holistic approach with with the body, and it's not just about your physical body, it's also about your spiritual body, your emotional body, you know, because you can have a strong physical body but mentally, you know, be in a different headspace, and so we really like to address the whole body as a whole. And so that's making sure you know, that's checking in, like what vitamins, you know, are you lacking? What foods are you eating? What are you putting on your body? What are you paying attention to? Where does your mind go? Where does your, what's your spiritual life look like?
Speaker 2:And so we really take a holistic approach when it comes to your body, and so we offer, you know, different, different products to be able to do that. So there's supplements for you know, when you actually have vitamin deficiencies or you feel like you're you know vitamin deficiencies or you feel like you're, you know, for example, iron deficient, magnesium deficient. You know hormonal imbalances. But we also take a spiritual approach and you know we're here to. We have a whole customer obsession team, which is really cool. In our company I've dedicated a whole team and basically this team is just here to obsess over you. So if you need prayer, if you need conversation, if you need community, they will help get you connected into that.
Speaker 1:Wow, Can you actually talk about? I wanted to dive into that customer obsession team a little bit more because I think that's so unique and so I obviously like focusing on intentional living in all areas of our life. Right, I love when businesses value that as well, when they value hospitality. It's very rare. It's very rare. That's why Chick-fil-A has such a huge success story, because they value the customer, things like that. So what does that look like for you? Can you talk about that a little bit more? Like so, when you I guess we could start here when you started the company, was it hard to create a division like that? Like what model did you follow?
Speaker 2:Again, I did not have a business background so I don't know if I was following any model. I was winging it and just I think from from that, you know winging it, not knowing what I didn't know, I knew I wanted to help her. So I mean, I remember when we started on a we meaning my husband started on a military base so when we would get like one order a night I would be so excited. We get a ding on our phone and you know that meant I was all things, I was customer service, I was packing, I was logistics, and so I'm very hands-on and very intentional about how we've kind of transferred all these departments into an actual structure of a company now and I never let that personal relationship with the customer go, because those first few customers it still gives me goosebumps today.
Speaker 2:But you know, there's this one woman I think she had like 18 miscarriages. It was wild. And you know I just grew a relationship with her and I, I want, I want the, I wanted to build a community, especially for me. Um, that was so important because I was moving all around the country, my husband was in the Marine Corps and so I was really isolated and by myself when I was going through all these challenges, I, you know my family would come visit when they could, but you know, every year or so I think we moved 15 times in 10 years, and when you're going through health challenges and living in a hospital by yourself, you can get really down and out.
Speaker 2:And so I really having a community, a brand that could be that community where we connected customers who are maybe going through similar challenges, was really important to me, and so I just set up a whole division, and this division is called customer obsession, and they literally do nothing but obsess over our customers. I don't. I was like it can be. If you need to talk on the phone to a person for 12 hours a day, like you do it. You know we'll. We'll do special things, like if there's celebrations or challenges or miscarriages or cancer treatments, we'll send flowers. We've sent teams of people to go to hospitals and just talk with our customers, because I think to me that's just so important. That's why this company exists is to help women, and so if we can't do that, then what are we doing? I mean, we want to have excellent products too, but we're here to help women.
Speaker 1:So I didn't tell you I was going to go this direction, but I'm sure there's people listening that are either business owners in HR startups anything I commonly hear. Oh, we can't focus on that because resources are limited or people are limited, funds are limited. Why would you say like what would your encouragement to them be to create a department like this?
Speaker 2:I heard that too. When I started bringing on professionals that you know had experience, they were like Amy, this is not scalable, we cannot do this, like this is only going to work till you know, we just can't scale this department. And so I would always push back and say, fine, like we'll do it till we can't anymore. And that's kind of my answer is, fine, we'll do it till we can't anymore. And in my head I know I'm we're always going to do it.
Speaker 2:Like it's just kind of my answer to say, sure, like I get it, you know the numbers they're, they're P&Ling it out and the numbers say it doesn't line up. But I would say if you don't focus on that, the numbers aren't going to line up at all. You have to keep your customer first. You have to keep her. I mean, for us it's the reason we exist. So if she's not first, then we're doing something wrong. If she's not first, then we're doing something wrong. So I guess, to answer your question, I would say don't overthink it. If it's important to you and important to the business, just make it happen.
Speaker 1:Yeah, dignity matters. People don't experience dignity and intentionality and culture in a lot of spaces and so if they could feel that in your business, I feel like the buy-in, the return, like all of that is it's going to show, it's going to show and have like a ripple effect of an impact. Right, let's see. Okay, so another thing that I wanted to talk about that we somehow breezed you know, breezed past in our conversation so far is you're a mom of six. You have six kids and Colby and I just have our first right now and we're learning the balance of building a brand and work and all of these moving pieces. What encouragement or insight do you have to people who are wanting to learn how to balance growing, something like working towards a dream and also motherhood?
Speaker 2:Right. I would say, maybe take the word balance and throw it away. I don't know if such thing exists. That's just in my opinion, expectations are so important, and so if you're expecting to have balance in your life and be a mother and have a business and be a working mom like you're, you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself to to balance it all.
Speaker 2:Um, I kind of like to think of it as more like riding a wave, like ebbs and flows, and so sometimes you know there's there's maybe more time spent with the kids, maybe sometimes there's more time spent at work, but it ebbs and flows, and I think setting yourself up for success to be a little bit more flexible is really important. One of my favorite lines that a mentor told me when I was younger was you can have it all, just not at the same time. And so I do think that that expectation setting for yourself is really important, especially with like little young kids that are so unexpected and you never know what's going to happen. Tomorrow could be a sixth day. You know. You could walk into a meeting and have throw up all over. You Like it, just it. Just it happens. It's life.
Speaker 1:What's the age range of your kids?
Speaker 2:So my youngest is one and my oldest is 14. So one to 14.
Speaker 1:Oh my goodness, my friend.
Speaker 2:Yes, my youngest has Down syndrome too, so he's he's special needs and, oh my goodness, that was a whole surprise in and of itself. That was just like I already felt. Like you know, I had five kids, I was running a business, I got pregnant with a six and then I found out he had special needs. I was like God, what are you teaching me here? Like this is another challenge.
Speaker 1:I love him from a distance, just from your social media. He's such a ray of sunshine. But what are? I'm curious. I'm sure there are people listening, either that maybe recently found out that their child is going to be special needs or going through that season. What have you learned so far that you would want to pass to someone else in a similar season?
Speaker 2:It's really, it's so much fun. It's probably it's hard, I think, when you are just, you know maybe you just found out and you don't know and I think that that's fine, Like, let yourself feel those emotions of loss and grief of what you thought was, but be prepared to be blown away for for what's going to come. I mean, Maximilian is hysterical and he brings so much joy not only to my husband and I but to the other siblings as well. He's just, he's the trip. And so I would say, grieve what you lost, but come in like very open-minded because you're, it's going to be the most exciting adventure you never knew you were going to be a part of to be the most exciting adventure you never knew you were going to be a part of.
Speaker 1:Wow, wow, wow, wow. I love the way that you worded that, so I'm curious. I've been scrolling through your website a lot just because I've loved the products that you guys sent me. I'm loving learning about it. I find that it's so unique the blends is that the right word? Blends that you guys yeah, right Blends.
Speaker 1:And I just feel like all of the blends are make the customer feel so no, there's something for every season, like no matter who the customer is coming to the website, there's something for them. Um, to what extent would you recommend that people just buy what looks good to them? To what extent should they consult a nutritionist or a doctor? What do you? How do you recommend people navigate that?
Speaker 2:Well, I would say, kind of, start with the basics. So maybe are you taking a daily vitamin and a daily probiotic? I would say, maybe, start with those. And then from there I would say, like, what issues are you having? So if you're, let's say, maybe you're dealing with you're not sleeping well, um, you can go and you can, you know, search like sleep. Um, maybe you're have low energy. You can go and you can search like energy. Um, maybe you need like iron or something like that. So I would start with your basics being, you know, a multi daily multivitamin and a probiotic, and then look to address, like, the different element or issue that you might be experiencing and, um, maybe that's a good way to start.
Speaker 1:Okay, so we don't have to, so people don't have to worry so much about like I don't know. They could order anything on the website and on their own Right and be fine. Sorry, I think yeah, okay, yeah, no.
Speaker 2:Yeah, another great thing too is if you really don't know. I mean, this is why we have a customer obsession team, so they are more than happy to send them an email or jump on a phone call and they can help direct them. But for the most part, I would say, start with your basic daily vitamin. Add a probiotic into it. You know, if you're trying to work out there's, you know, protein, so you could get like a your protein supplement, maybe skin texture. You could get anything for, um, your hair, like there's. It's pretty self-explanatory.
Speaker 2:One of the things I wanted to do is keep it really simple. That way people didn't have to think so when it comes to, you know, I don't know, for instance, keratin, this is keratin you know for for hair. So you know I don't know, for instance, keratin, this is keratin you know for for hair. So you know, I don't want people to have to like think like, what is, what does this do? Um, you know. So the the products are named pretty simply. That way you can understand exactly what you're, what you're dealing with.
Speaker 1:I think that was such a genius move on your part. Yeah, cause I the way that you guys named everything. I've said it a few times. I'm just like, oh my goodness, this would be, this would be perfect for me, or this would be perfect for my friend, or you know, I've heard them talk about this problem and yeah, it's so like user-friendly, it's so personal yeah, that's a good word User-friendly.
Speaker 1:Oh, my goodness. There are a thousand questions that I could ask you, but I know that we could learn more about you on your socials and on your website. Everything is designed so beautifully, but where do you want to? Where do you want to send people if they're like man? I really want to give this brand.
Speaker 2:I would guess you know Amazon. Who doesn't shop on Amazon? It is so convenient. So if you want to go and shop on Amazon and have it show up in your doorstep, you know, maybe within hours or minutes, um, just type in Pinkstork and you can find everything up there, um, as well as Target, walmart, uh, our website and then just local health food stores.
Speaker 1:Wow, I didn't realize that you guys were in Target. That's congratulations. Realized that you guys were in target, that's congratulations. Oh, thank you. That's huge. That's huge. Um, but I would recommend guys I know Amazon is so convenient Head on over to their website If you're learning about them for the first time, just because I've really appreciated seeing all the collections together. Um, I'll have a collection linked of the personal supplements that I'm taking right now, and maybe some on my wishlist and the show notes as well, along with a coupon code that I think right. Right, do we have a coupon code? Okay?
Speaker 2:Yes, you do.
Speaker 1:Along with the coupon code that you guys can use when you're placing your first order. Well, we end each of our conversations with the same three questions, and I want to hear your answers to them as well. The first one is something that you have eaten recently and loved.
Speaker 2:Ooh, yesterday my husband took me out to this Irish pub that was owned by four. That's owned by four, no five sisters, so it's really cool. Um, and they had this really good shepherd's pie. Um, so that was really good, that was delicious.
Speaker 1:I haven't had shepherd's pie this year yet. I like all those flavors.
Speaker 2:That's a good it was so good. It was rainy and cold out, so it was a very good meal.
Speaker 1:It's the best time for it. Um, something you have found to be beautiful lately.
Speaker 2:Mm Something, oh geez. Well, we live in Florida and so February is one of those months that teases the spring weather, almost summer weather, so we've had a few gorgeous days. I love the beach and the sunshine, so I would say just the weather in February for Florida has been pretty nice, although I think we're getting a cold snap this week, which is again it's a tease. February is a tease.
Speaker 1:I'm so jealous Every time I like interview someone from a warm climate. I'm like it's like a sheet of ice outside here. It's just like not pretty. It's like I'm such a Scrooge when it comes to winter. And last but not least, something you've discovered lately that you think everyone should know about a Netflix show. Amazon purchase anything like that.
Speaker 2:That's good, oh, okay. So I don't know if everyone should know about this, but maybe if you have a young little kid I just got Maximilian, it's this, it's called Oakley and it's this skateboard that has a pole on it that you push like a stroller and he can jump on and off it when we're walking and he is obsessed with it right now. So that's pretty cool, that's pretty fun.
Speaker 1:I have a very active one and a half year old.
Speaker 2:Oh, this would be perfect, yes.
Speaker 1:Amazing Instead of a stroller.
Speaker 2:He doesn't like to be like strapped in. This just allows him he can jump on when he's tired. Jump off when he wants to. Awesome.
Speaker 1:I will link that in the show notes, because that sounds great for people in seasons like ours. Well, this was a super fun, short and sweet episode and I'm so excited to send people your way. I'm sure this will not be the last time we have you on the show to talk about health and intentional living, but thank you so much for sharing your story.
Speaker 2:Well, thank you for having me.
Speaker 1:Absolutely Well, guys, we will see you next week.